

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Thanksgiving Day is a week away, but we had Thanksgiving in our class yesterday!  Thank you for all the wonderful donations of food, and thank you to all the parents who were additionally able to set up/decorate, serve food, pour drinks, and clean up! :)  We all had so much fun and it was a wonderful start to my favorite holiday!

Friendship Day

To wrap up our Friendship reading unit, Biomes science unit, and Government social studies unit, we displayed our Friendship country projects and participated in games with the 'countries' we had made! 

At the end of the day, we got to look at the lunar eclipse!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Telling Time to the Minute

Upon request of the students, here is the "clock" we made in class; each stack of blocks has 5 blocks to represent the 5 minutes between each number on a clock; the numbers on the clock show the number of stacks (or groups of 5) we put on the board.  After we made the clock and practiced counting to the minute, we made a number line in the same way to show how the two are related!

For visual learners, this sure seemed to click (plus, no one ever turns down a chance to play with blocks...) :)